So long, and thanks for all the fish.

I joined Mozilla nearly five years ago, which was an interesting period culturally for the company – we were transitioning from being a scrappy, disorganised group of hackers into a proper corporation with a global reach.  One of my first bugs was to audit our load balancers – another was to help fix the tap in the office beer keg.  It was an interesting time, fraught with mistakes, but heady with the promise of opportunity.

For the first few years, I was part of the WebOps team, and as such, got to work with a wide range of projects and people around the world.  Every day was a trial by fire, and while it was often times difficult or frustrating, the lens of hindsight now allows me to understand how valuable it was as a learning experience.

From there, I moved into Services Engineering, and had the opportunity to work on the Crash Stats project – a humbling experience if ever there was.  I was exposed to some brilliant technologists and learned more about resilient systems design than I ever dreamed possible.  I was also exposed to some great managers, and will remain eternally grateful for the mentorship I received both directly and indirectly.

Finally, I landed with the Cloud Services and Operations teams, and even though I’d been with the company for a long time, it was like my first days all over again: new and complex systems, new and complex people.

Speaking of people, I’d be remiss if I didn’t say this: Mozilla is full of some of the finest human beings I’ve ever had the honour and pleasure of working with.  The spirit, drive, and desire to do good is something that is more than rare in the Valley (or anywhere), and the importance of this aspect cannot be overstated.

Mozilla has treated me well.  I’ve travelled the world, honed my skills, and learned so much, both professionally and personally.  It’s been a wild, interesting, life-changing ride.

Today, more than ever, the Internet needs Mozilla.  Even though my personal journey is taking me in a different direction, the mission and manifesto are more important than ever before.  The show must go on.
Much love to all, and thanks for everything.

Author: phrawzty

I have a computer.

One thought on “So long, and thanks for all the fish.”

  1. It was a true pleasure working with you, and while I’m sad you’re leaving I’m happy we’re friends.

    $ git commit -m ‘Bye phrawzty :(‘


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