HAProxy Puppet module (phrawzty remix)

As part of a big Logstash project at Mozilla (more on that to come), I was looking for an HAProxy module for Puppet, stumbling across the official Puppetlabs module in the process.  I’m told that this module works fairly well, with the caveat that it sometimes outputs poorly-formatted configuration files (due to a manifestly buggy implementation of concat).  Furthermore, the module more or less requires storeconfigs, which we do not use in our primary Puppet system.

Long story short, while I never ended up using HAProxy as part of the project, I did remix the official module to solve both of the aforementioned issues.  From the README :

This module is based on Puppetlabs’ official HAProxy module; however, it has been “remixed” for use at Mozilla. There are two major areas where the original module has been changed :

  • Storeconfigs, while present, are no longer required.
  • The “listen” stanza format has been abandoned in favour of a frontend / backend style configuration.

A very simple configuration to proxy unrelated Redis nodes :

  class { 'haproxy': }

  haproxy::frontend { 'in_redis':
    ipaddress       => $::ipaddress,
    ports           => '6379',
    default_backend => 'out_redis',
    options         => { 'balance' => 'roundrobin' }

  haproxy::backend { 'out_redis':
    listening_service => 'redis',
    server_names      => ['node01', 'node02'],
    ipaddresses       => ['node01.redis.server.foo', 'node02.redis.server.foo'],
    ports             => '6379',
    options           => 'check'

If that sounds interesting to you, the module is available on my puppetlabs-haproxy repo on Github. Pull requests welcome !